Glo Says Let's Talk Local, Vancouver
Glo talks to those who make, create and inspire behind the local businesses in the Greater Vancouver area. Some are well-known and some are ordinary like you and me! You will hear about their process, innovation and craftsmanship. As a local, Glo is curious about the entrepreneurial people in this community. So she finds out why they make, sell or ship what they do.
Glo Says Let's Talk Local, Vancouver
Every Year We Crawl Among Artists on the East Side
Season 5
Episode 5
In today’s episode of ‘Glo Says Let's Talk Local’ podcast - Season 5 - What ART thou? Where ART thou? (A weekly Business, Entrepreneur and Arts Podcast) host Gloria Chong and her co-host Kristin Lim discuss the East Side Culture Crawl, a perfect example of a very local event. It's an annual event where Professional Artists participate in the East Side Cultural Crawl and open-up their studios for the public. It's spread over four days and this year it is extended over two weekends.
Episode Highlights
- 7:00 - Gloria says Randy Steifel is an amazing and a talented Wood Maker. ‘Renegade Wood Works’ offers Laser Cutting, CAD Design, Wood Carving Signs Fabrication, etc.
- 9:00 – Kristin thinks having the opportunity to visit artists in their studio is fantastic. She really feels it’s for everybody going through the culture crawl.
- 11:20 - The ‘Culture Crawl’ has expanded beyond Parker Street Studios, there's so many other studio buildings/ artists who work out of their homes, and they change year-to-year.
- 19:23 – “Some of the artists Kristin enjoys seeing are Fiona Ackerman, she is an established artist and she shows in galleries across Canada. She also has a few murals around the city.
- 22:06 – Kristin mentions that another artist she always enjoy visiting is Carla Tak. She's just a really fascinating artist.
- 24:15 – Another artist at Franklin Street Studios is Kate Metten; she makes things like mugs and plates and functional things for your home.
- 26:12 – Gloria enquires that location wise, can you do all that one afternoon or do you need to go there a couple of times?
- 28:14 - The Wilder Snail is always really kind of lovely during the Culture Crawl, says Kristin.
- 30:21 - The Mergatroid has a lot of ceramics and worth checking out too.
Three Key Points
- Kristin thinks that what's super interesting to see during the East Side Culture Crawl is how these professional artists work. Besides, what's great about the Culture Crawl it's a time where you can discover artists, meet them, talk to them about their work and see their work either by their work on the spot or see something in their studio that you like.
- Besides artists and their friends, the East Side Culture Crawl event is organized for the general public. If you live in Vancouver, artists are so important to the community, they contribute so much to the community. Kristin feels like there's often a bit of mystery. To be a professional artist takes a lot of dedication and hard work.
- Kristin talks about the many places to see at the Culture Crawl and discusses her strategy or what she does at the event. She suggests that if you like something at the event then just buy it.
Tweetable Quotes
- “I can't imagine opening-up my workspace to the public.” – Gloria Chong
- “I really think there's something for everybody in the East Side Culture Crawl event.” - Kristin Lim
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